NumberQuest Reading

Natal Analysis: July 8, 1972

Personal Year = 5

The 5 vibration brings a desire for freedom of movement, speech, and thought. Freedom to follow wherever the 5 senses lead. Travel, adventure, education, and communication are likely interests at this time. Changes are constant and the freedom to move with these changes is very important. Love affairs, sex, indulgences of every kind are a part of this vibration. This is the time to explore and investigate. You are accumulating knowledge and experience for the rest of your journey.

Personal Month = 6

This is the month for harmony. Give loving advise when it's asked for. Re-decorate the family room. Go house shopping. Volunteer to help the needy. Feed a stray animal.

Personal Day = 4

Organize, plan, and schedule your life. Take care of business. Wear earth tones or dark green. Handle details, work.

Destiny = 7

The Destiny number describes the life lessons that we have come here to learn. It reveals to us the path we must take, and the role we must play to fulfill our mission. Often our choice of career is based on this vibration, and if not, then it will manifest through avocational pursuits. We may attract people and experiences into our lives that mirror the traits of this number for us, so that we may develop into our highest potential. We don't always welcome our life lessons, so it is a possibility that we may even feel an aversion to the characteristics of our Destiny number in other people, and we may ourselves act the opposite. In spite of the many ways we may choose to react to this force within us, we have been gifted with all of the talents and energy needed to fulfill our Destiny.

You are an enigma to others and perhaps even to yourself. Your mind is like an arrow that can shoot deep into it's subject, analyzing and storing vast volumes of knowledge. Your introspective and intuitive mind then uses this knowledge to decipher your world's complexity of mysteries. You are a philosopher and humanity is waiting for your words of wisdom. Spirituality, phenomena and the occult are areas that may interest you, as are religion, science and mathematics.

WARNING: Taking this shit seriuosly seriously increases the odds that someone is laughing at you.

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